A Woman's Walk: Does YHWH Punish Us For Having Girls?

Are women punished when giving birth to a girl by doubling the time of purification?
Are women punished when giving birth to a girl by doubling the time of purification?
119 Ministries is generally classified under the umbrella as being part of Hebrew Roots. Does that mean we're a cult?
Hi, this is Jon from 119 Ministries. As you may or may not know, I am one of the teachers and part of the team at 119. It is normally not our practice to talk to you in such a personal way, because we always have a fear of focus being placed on us (teachers) instead of who really matters, Yah, our Creator. Well, this time is different, because this message will be all about giving glory to Yah and there is nothing but praise that can be given up to Him related to this...
It is not uncommon for us, as 119 Ministries as well as other followers of the Torah, to be labeled as “Judaizers” or for it to be said we are “Judaizing”. Yet how many know what they are saying? What does it mean to be a Judaizer? Are we Judaizers? What a Judaizer IsAccording to one article on NewAdvent.org, judaizers are/were: “A party of Jewish Christians in the Early Church, who either held...