Part 2 from L'Chaim Pura Vida where they tell a bit more about the people the help, what they do, and what they hope to do some day.
With so much going on in the world on a global scale, are you looking deeply into End Times? Has it become your focus? Should it be?
This is a report from the 119 International Netherlands team on the conference they held over Shavuot.
A few thoughts related to the observance or memorialization of the appointed times of the Creator.
Who's responsible for dressing modestly and controlling lustful desires? Is it all on the woman or are men responsible?
Hi, this is Jon from 119 Ministries. As you may or may not know, I am one of the teachers and part of the team at 119. It is normally not our practice to talk to you in such a personal way, because we always have a fear of focus being placed on us (teachers) instead of who really matters, Yah, our Creator. Well, this time is different, because this message will be all about giving glory to Yah and there is nothing but praise that can be given up to Him related to this...
There is a recent article published by Christianity Today, written by Ed Stetzer, about the recent US Supreme Court ruling for the Hobby Lobby corporation and the mandatory coverage of all contraceptives. A link to the article is at the end of this blog. Regardless of one's personal beliefs relating to Obamacare and whether contraceptives should be covered by mandate, the article itself provides some interesting information regarding the freedom of religion and what that means...