The 613 Mitzvot: 71-75

The fifteenth install of The 613 Mitzvot blog series where we are briefly reviewing the 613 traditional rabbinical commandments and if the Torah applies to us today.
The fifteenth install of The 613 Mitzvot blog series where we are briefly reviewing the 613 traditional rabbinical commandments and if the Torah applies to us today.
We are often asked to do teachings on the 613 commandments found in the Jewish faith. Understandably, such a teaching or teaching series would be an immense undertaking. However, we thought we may be able to go through it, at least in part, in our blogs. This is an ongoing blog series that we will do at different times without any real schedule planned. We will not be going into great depth in this series. The format for these blog posts will be simple. We will...
The thirteenth install of The 613 Mitzvot blog series where we are briefly reviewing the 613 traditional rabbinical commandments and if the Torah applies to us today.
Should we be taking things meant for other gods and applying them to our Creator? What about if it's simply something he said no to?
This is the relating to the 56th through 60th commandments of the traditional 613 commandments in the order and as found in the Aramic-English New Testament (AENT).
We are often asked to do teachings on the 613 commandments found in the Jewish faith. Understandably, such a teaching or teaching series would be an immense undertaking. However, we thought we may be able to go through it, at least in part, in our blogs. This is an ongoing blog series that we will do at different times without any real schedule planned. We will not be going into great depth in this series. The format for these blog posts will be simple. We will...
This week we will briefly review commandments 41-45 of the traditional 613 commandments.
This week we will briefly review commandments 36-40 of the traditional 613 commandments.
Who is it that's supposed to wear the tzitzit, or tassels, commanded in Numbers 15? Should women and children wear them, or just men?
Are women punished when giving birth to a girl by doubling the time of purification?
Some say Titus 2 requires a woman to work a job from her home meaning an outside vocation. Is that what Scripture says?
The Great Commission is less about going out and more about discipleship.
This week we look at the 16th - 20th traditional rabbinical commandments out of the 613 commonly taught to be the Torah.
Remember the feeling when you walk into a store and you get bombarded with salespeople? Remember how it feels to have someone working hard to show you all of the benefits of a product, and how it is so much better than what you have, yet they’re trying too hard and you really aren’t interested? Most likely, you don’t like that feeling and you get put off by those people. You don’t want to be that person, especially when it comes to discussing...
You know how your friends and family sometimes seem to get when you have tried to talk to them about the Torah? Some may be receptive while others may refuse to talk about the subject or even become hostile, showing a side you would never have thought existed. It doesn’t always have to be that way, if you’ve taken them into consideration and checked your attitude, then it may have something to do with actions. We do not recommend having deep discussions relating...
This week we look at the 11th - 15th traditional rabbinical commandments out of the 613.
This week we look at the 6th - 10th traditional rabbinical commandments out of the 613.
This week we will briefly look at the first five of the traditional rabbinical 613 Commandments.
Special Report: Graves of the Maccabees Uncovered! Special Report: Barry Segal travels to the spot where Israeli archaeologists have just announced a new discovery that sheds light on how the early Christian community honored the heroes of Hanukkah. Watch the entire video here: BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS ACADEMY
What's the significance of the ashes behind Ash Wednesday as celebrated by a variety of religions.
If choosing obedience to the Law of God putting yourself back into bondage? Some believe so.
Who's responsible for dressing modestly and controlling lustful desires? Is it all on the woman or are men responsible?
Testing the typical understanding of Colossians 2:16 and James 2:14-26.
A brief test of the common teachings surrounding Galatians 5:1, 4, and 18 to the whole Word of God.
A brief look at Romans 10:4 and Galatians 3:25; do they really mean what we're taught they mean?
A brief look at the common understandings of Romans 6:14 and Romans 7:6
Testing Acts 15:18-20 and Acts 20; what do Gentiles have to do and is Sunday the new Sabbath?
What did God make clean in Acts 10 and what is the real context of Acts 15?
A brief look at common teachings relating to Luke 16:16-17 and John 3:16-17.
A brief look at the common misunderstanding of Mark 3:29 and Mark 7:15.
A quick look at verses in Matthew 12:1-8, Matthew 16:18-19, and Matthew 23:1-4.
Do Matthew 5:17-20 and Matthew 7:15-23 mean what we are commonly taught that they mean?
119 Ministries would like to thank you for all your support and confidence. We love hearing from all of you and really appreciate the confidence you have placed in us. We would like nothing more than to be able to test everything we are sent but the truth is, we are a small ministry and do not have enough man power to be able to test every article or teaching sent our way. We do want to reassure you that we do read each and every email we receive because we really enjoy...
It has been said that there was no grace in the Old Testament and grace did not come until Yeshua in the New Testament. Let’s test this belief using only the Torah. Genesis Genesis 6:5-8 5 Then YHWH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And YHWH was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His...
2 weeks ago we discussed the benefits of living in a tribe. This week we go over the greatest danger of them. One Very Real Danger Despite the great benefits derived from being part of a tribe, there can be some dangers, dangers that can tear what should be a unified people, apart. The largest danger comes from ourselves and our approach to the differences we have with others. Remember there are 3 things that come from 2 or more gathering together: View 1, View...
Being part of the Hebrew Roots movement, or at least people who have some familiarity with the story of the Bible, most of us have heard of tribes, especially the 12 tribes of Israel. What is a tribe? According to marketing guru Seth Godin in his book, “Tribes”, a tribe is: “A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. … A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to...
August 14, 2014 A question common to Matthew 11 is that of what Yeshua meant in verse 11. Matthew 11:11 Verily I say to you, Among those born of women, there hath not arisen a greater than John the Baptizer: yet the small one in the kingdom of heaven, is greater than he. On the surface it appears Yeshua is saying John the Baptist is next to nothing in the kingdom of heaven. Yet this seems to contradict the context of previous passages where Yeshua is identifying John the...
August 07, 2014 As people attempt to discredit the Bible, many apparent discrepancies come to light and we need to examine them. However, these discrepancies are not always found by those who don’t believe, but sometimes by those who are simply studying and trying to learn the best they are able to. Not too long ago I was speaking with my Dad about the Word and he brought up something he was attempting to figure out relating to creation in Genesis 1 and 2. His...
There is a recent article published by Christianity Today, written by Ed Stetzer, about the recent US Supreme Court ruling for the Hobby Lobby corporation and the mandatory coverage of all contraceptives. A link to the article is at the end of this blog. Regardless of one's personal beliefs relating to Obamacare and whether contraceptives should be covered by mandate, the article itself provides some interesting information regarding the freedom of religion and what that means...
Every Word If one believes that the Law of God has been done away with, can they really believe the words of our Savior that says, Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Because if one part of God’s word nullifies another part of God’s word how can He say that we live on EVERY word that comes from the mouth of God? Just a thought...
Many people bring up Acts 10 and Mark 7 regarding the dietary laws of God to show they no longer apply. Do Acts 10 and Mark 7 really tell us how the dietary laws set down in Leviticus have changed?. Acts 10:1-22 is Peter’s vision where God tells Peter to kill and eat all manner of clean and unclean animals...This is often interpreted as meaning that God made all things food and clean to eat. However, this is not the case as Peter explained the vision a little...
How Your Righteousness can exceed that of the Pharisees.
Challah 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 (1/4 ounce) packages dry yeast 1 egg, beaten 1/2 cup canola oil 1 tablespoon salt 1/2 cup sugar 2 cups warm water (80 -90) Glaze 1 egg, beaten poppy seed (optional) or sesame seed (optional) Directions (be's long!) 1 First measure out all your ingredients. 2 Now from the 1/2 of cup sugar take 1 tablespoon of the...
A great time with our friend, the Famous Raw Food Guy - Paul Nison of Shalom Ministries. Hope you enjoy learning a little bit about the two of us, how we got here and what we're all about. Thanks Paul!