What Do I Do?

For those new to trying to live out the Torah today, here are some thoughts on how to get started on your journey as we answer the question - what do I do?
For those new to trying to live out the Torah today, here are some thoughts on how to get started on your journey as we answer the question - what do I do?
Part 2 from L'Chaim Pura Vida where they tell a bit more about the people the help, what they do, and what they hope to do some day.
You know how your friends and family sometimes seem to get when you have tried to talk to them about the Torah? Some may be receptive while others may refuse to talk about the subject or even become hostile, showing a side you would never have thought existed. It doesn’t always have to be that way, if you’ve taken them into consideration and checked your attitude, then it may have something to do with actions. We do not recommend having deep discussions relating...
This week we look at the 6th - 10th traditional rabbinical commandments out of the 613.
This week we will briefly look at the first five of the traditional rabbinical 613 Commandments.
If choosing obedience to the Law of God putting yourself back into bondage? Some believe so.
Testing the typical understanding of Colossians 2:16 and James 2:14-26.
Question:I do not fully understand the implications of the remarriage of Israel to the Father by way of the Son. Are we Yeshua's Bride or the Fathers? Can we be both? This is a fantastic question. We learn in Jeremiah 3:8 that YHWH divorced the House of Israel and we also understand that the House of Israel will be brought back into covenant despite the divorce (i.e. Jeremiah 31:31-33; Ezekiel 36:26-27). We cover this process in depth in the teaching “The Lost...
What does Paul mean when he says we should subject ourselves to governing authorities? When we read Romans 13, it has been interpreted that we are to submit ourselves to any random government. While we do promote being a good citizen in the eyes of a secular government, it is not likely that Paul was only speaking of governments that teach and obey the Torah. First, let’s read: Romans 13:1-7 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority...
It has been said that there was no grace in the Old Testament and grace did not come until Yeshua in the New Testament. Let’s test this belief using only the Torah. Genesis Genesis 6:5-8 5 Then YHWH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And YHWH was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His...
It is often asked, “If the law of God is just there to prove we can’t keep it, then why bother trying?” This is a good and fair question based on a snippet of Scripture being misunderstood. The Law of God instructs us on how to live; in doing so, it does point out our sin, with sin being defined as breaking the law of God (1 John 3:4). The curse of the law, or rather the penalty of it, is death (Romans 6:23); this is known as the law of sin and death (Romans...
2 weeks ago we discussed the benefits of living in a tribe. This week we go over the greatest danger of them. One Very Real Danger Despite the great benefits derived from being part of a tribe, there can be some dangers, dangers that can tear what should be a unified people, apart. The largest danger comes from ourselves and our approach to the differences we have with others. Remember there are 3 things that come from 2 or more gathering together: View 1, View...
Being part of the Hebrew Roots movement, or at least people who have some familiarity with the story of the Bible, most of us have heard of tribes, especially the 12 tribes of Israel. What is a tribe? According to marketing guru Seth Godin in his book, “Tribes”, a tribe is: “A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. … A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to...
As "great" as Paul was, as a Pharisee who felt he knew the law and lived by it, he realized that simply following the letter of the law wasn't right, and that he wasn't even living correctly! Note that in 1 Timothy 1:13 he even called himself a blasphemer! The point here is this, Paul realized that only living by the legality of the law wasn’t enough, he also needed the spirit. He was not discarding the requirement of obeying the law, but simply applying another aspect of it, the...
As more and more people come to an understanding that the Torah still applies today, friction is not uncommon, even within the same household. A bigger question sometimes comes up, one about authority, headcoverings, etc. What happens if a husband and wife have different understandings regarding this topic? Should they get divorced? The short answer is “No”, they should not get a divorce. When it comes to authority, the Word of God is the ultimate...
Does Isaiah 58:13-14 mean that we cannot have any pleasure on the Sabbath? Isaiah 58:13-14 “If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day and call the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of the Lord honorable; if you honor it, not going your own ways, or seeking your own pleasure, or talking idly then you shall take delight in the Lord, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; I will feed you...
It was October 25, 1964, and the Minnesota Vikings were playing against the San Francisco 49ers; the 49ers have just fumbled the ball, it’s up for grabs. Defensive End Jim Marshall scoops up the ball and takes it 66 yards into the endzone...his own. This moment is remembered in sports history as “The Wrong Way Run”, where one man took the ball into the wrong endzone, celebrated by spiking the football causing it to roll out of bounds and scored 2 points for his...
August 14, 2014 A question common to Matthew 11 is that of what Yeshua meant in verse 11. Matthew 11:11 Verily I say to you, Among those born of women, there hath not arisen a greater than John the Baptizer: yet the small one in the kingdom of heaven, is greater than he. On the surface it appears Yeshua is saying John the Baptist is next to nothing in the kingdom of heaven. Yet this seems to contradict the context of previous passages where Yeshua is identifying John the...
August 07, 2014 As people attempt to discredit the Bible, many apparent discrepancies come to light and we need to examine them. However, these discrepancies are not always found by those who don’t believe, but sometimes by those who are simply studying and trying to learn the best they are able to. Not too long ago I was speaking with my Dad about the Word and he brought up something he was attempting to figure out relating to creation in Genesis 1 and 2. His...
The Priestly Blessing from an Ancient Hebrew perspective. YHWH will kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a hedge of protection, YHWH will cause his wholeness of being to shine toward you bringing order and he will provide you with love, sustenance and friendship, YHWH will lift up his wholeness of being and look upon you and he will set in place all you need to be whole and complete. See more at Ancient Hebrew Research
Mark 12:1-12/(Matt. 21:33) A couple of weeks ago, in the Torah Portion we read Mark 12:1-12, also known as the Parable of the Tenants. I have read this parable dozens of times growing up in church, and even in the last several years after receiving the revelation of Torah. I had likely heard many sermons on it as well, yet for some reason I never really understood what Yeshua was speaking about. Verse 12 says the Pharisees perceived that Yeshua had spoken the parable against...
There is a recent article published by Christianity Today, written by Ed Stetzer, about the recent US Supreme Court ruling for the Hobby Lobby corporation and the mandatory coverage of all contraceptives. A link to the article is at the end of this blog. Regardless of one's personal beliefs relating to Obamacare and whether contraceptives should be covered by mandate, the article itself provides some interesting information regarding the freedom of religion and what that means...
Are you persuaded that nothing is unclean because of Romans 14? There may be something missed in our studying of Paul's writings.
Matthew 28:19-20 19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”In the "Great Commission" of Matthew 28:19, Yeshua tells us to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations, but what does it mean to make disciples? The operative word, or...
Last week we discussed what it means to forgive and why forgiveness is important for both the sinner and the one sinned against. We saw how sin is a burden when one forgives that burden is lifted, carried, or taken away. This week we are looking at the phrase forgive and forget or as Yeshua said for us to “turn the other cheek”. The phrase “forgive and forget” is not found the Scriptures. The closest we come is when we are told that the Father...
Many of us are familiar with the mantra “forgive and forget”, but what does this mean? In a fallen world full of people who live in the flesh, it’s easy for us to offend or take offense whenever sin is involved. Yet Yeshua tells us that we are to forgive those who sin against us. Does forgiving someone mean to forget or ignore what happened? As followers of Yeshua, how does this work? What does it mean to “turn the other cheek”? We...
Millions of believers today have been directly influenced by a Gnostic interpretation of the NT scriptures. Antinomianism comes from the Greek meaning lawless. Paul used the term freedom in Christ; for example, Galatians 2:4. The Gnostics understood this to mean "lawlessness" (i.e. not obeying Mosaic Law). Although the term designating this error came into use only in the sixteenth century, the doctrine itself can be traced in the teaching of the earlier heresies. Early Gnostic sects...
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge; Proverbs 9:10 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. These are not idle words, nor merely a good idea, but instead a promise. If we fear our Creator, we will begin to gain knowledge and wisdom, and then comes understanding of who He is and of His Word; but, what does it mean to “fear Yahweh”? What is the “fear of Yahweh”? Why...
Many people bring up Acts 10 and Mark 7 regarding the dietary laws of God to show they no longer apply. Do Acts 10 and Mark 7 really tell us how the dietary laws set down in Leviticus have changed?. Acts 10:1-22 is Peter’s vision where God tells Peter to kill and eat all manner of clean and unclean animals...This is often interpreted as meaning that God made all things food and clean to eat. However, this is not the case as Peter explained the vision a little...
A number of years ago Gary Chapman wrote a book with a lot of insights into men, women, and relationships. In his book, he describes 5 specific love languages of which every person functions in at least one of them. They are: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. What does it mean to have these love languages? It means that either through someone speaking words of affirmation to you, spending quality time with...
In part 1 of “The Heart of Torah” (CLICK HERE to go back and read it) we discussed where our focus should be, and what happens when we lose that focus. This time, in part 2, we are going to discuss what the “The Heart of Torah” is and what it means to walk in it, or follow it. What Is the “Heart of Torah”?Yeshua spoke about the importance of the heart of Torah with His statements to the Pharisees regarding helping a neighbor’s donkey out of...
I was once having a conversation with the pastor of a church from mainstream Christianity. In his attempt to understand where I was coming from, or my perspective, he posed several questions to me: “Where is the focus of the Torah Keepers? Is it on considering precious and personal the whole Torah, or just an emphasis on the commands that they say are being broken.” And “Isn't the point of keeping Torah, to treasure and walk after His and mankind's whole life...
Part 5: Grace, Faith, & ...Righteousness? We know through faith we receive grace (Ephesians 2:8). We know righteousness is available to us through our belief in Christ because of His faith (Romans 3:22). We know when we sin, we are breaking the law of God and are not righteous (1 John 3:4, Deut. 6:25/Romans 2:13). We know when we sin we deserve death, but because of belief in who and what Christ is, we are saved from the penalty of eternal death (Romans...
How Your Righteousness can exceed that of the Pharisees.
What does the righteousness of the pharisees have to do with you according to Messiah in Matthew 5:20?
Have you ever stopped to wonder what exactly Christ was meaning when he told us that he was "the way" in John 14:6? For most of us it's obvious, it means he's the only way to the Father right? No one can get to the Father but through Christ. So, of course, that's what he meant....right? Right! We completely agree, but do you think it's possible that maybe there is more to it than that? Are there not many different levels to all of Scripture? Christ is the WAY! Sounds obvious right?...
The above picture is carved into the French Arch De Triumph in Paris and depicts the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD Notice that in the booty the conquering Romans carried away from the Jerusalem Temple were two long hammered silver trumpets. We suggest that the pictorial truth about these trumpets has been hidden from us for a season and for a reason. We simply have not understood what it is that they depict for the last days. Once Judah was carried away to Babylon, things...
Quite often, when we read of the new or renewed covenant we quickly turn to Jeremiah 31:31-33. But have we ever read the verses before verse 31? Jeremiah 31:29-30In those days they shall no longer say:The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge.’ But everyone shall die for his own iniquity. Each man who eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge. What does that mean? If we were to not give the matter much thought or context, we might...
By Clint Branham www.AwakenedChurch.com The “Law” Limbo begins; “How low will they go? “ Here are some examples of lies being spread about Stephen and Paul; Acts 6:9-14, Acts 21:18-26, Acts 25:7-8. Scripture clearly teaches that these matters are false, but these blatant lies have been adopted as truth and doctrine by Mainstream Christianity. Don't believe me? Read on... Act_6:9-14 (9) Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is...
A.D. First Century [Stephen] They are falsely claiming that Jesus (Yeshua) changed what was written in the Law of Moses and setting up false witnesses claiming that I teach the same! They are going to illegally stone me based on these false accusations and false witnesses! (Acts 6-7) Several years later… [Paul] Wow, everyone keeps saying I teach against the Law of God as written by Moses. It reminds me of what I saw happen to Stephen years ago. [James] ...
As we near the end, false prophets are supposed to appear and take away God's law. Mat 24:11-12 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. The whole point of all of God's law is love, loving God, and loving others. When we abolish it (mostly because of Paul according to Peter - 2 Peter 3:15-17) it creates lawlessness. Even if we abolish just some of it, it creates problems. The less law there is, the less...
The Jewish idiom of the "good eye" refers to loving and taking care of your neighbor, while the idiom of the "bad eye" refers to being selfish and not loving your neighbor. This can be seen in the words of Yeshua: MATTHEW 6:19 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 "For where...
119 Ministries is not the author of this article. The original may be found here and is authored by Rich Deem: http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/bibleorg.html Is Our Copy of the Bible a Reliable Copy of the Original? OLD TESTAMENT How do we know the Bible has been kept in tact for over 2,000 years of copying? Before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls our earliest Hebrew copy of the Old Testament was the Masoretic text dating around 800 A.D. The Dead Sea Scrolls date around...