Testing the typical understanding of Colossians 2:16 and James 2:14-26.
Question:I do not fully understand the implications of the remarriage of Israel to the Father by way of the Son. Are we Yeshua's Bride or the Fathers? Can we be both? This is a fantastic question. We learn in Jeremiah 3:8 that YHWH divorced the House of Israel and we also understand that the House of Israel will be brought back into covenant despite the divorce (i.e. Jeremiah 31:31-33; Ezekiel 36:26-27). We cover this process in depth in the teaching “The Lost...
Matthew 28:19-20 19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”In the "Great Commission" of Matthew 28:19, Yeshua tells us to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations, but what does it mean to make disciples? The operative word, or...
Last week we discussed what it means to forgive and why forgiveness is important for both the sinner and the one sinned against. We saw how sin is a burden when one forgives that burden is lifted, carried, or taken away. This week we are looking at the phrase forgive and forget or as Yeshua said for us to “turn the other cheek”. The phrase “forgive and forget” is not found the Scriptures. The closest we come is when we are told that the Father...
Many of us are familiar with the mantra “forgive and forget”, but what does this mean? In a fallen world full of people who live in the flesh, it’s easy for us to offend or take offense whenever sin is involved. Yet Yeshua tells us that we are to forgive those who sin against us. Does forgiving someone mean to forget or ignore what happened? As followers of Yeshua, how does this work? What does it mean to “turn the other cheek”? We...
Exodus 15:11"Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders? Psalm 65:8 They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy. Psalm 111:9 He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name. Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may...
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge; Proverbs 9:10 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. These are not idle words, nor merely a good idea, but instead a promise. If we fear our Creator, we will begin to gain knowledge and wisdom, and then comes understanding of who He is and of His Word; but, what does it mean to “fear Yahweh”? What is the “fear of Yahweh”? Why...
Many people bring up Acts 10 and Mark 7 regarding the dietary laws of God to show they no longer apply. Do Acts 10 and Mark 7 really tell us how the dietary laws set down in Leviticus have changed?. Acts 10:1-22 is Peter’s vision where God tells Peter to kill and eat all manner of clean and unclean animals...This is often interpreted as meaning that God made all things food and clean to eat. However, this is not the case as Peter explained the vision a little...
In part 1 of “The Heart of Torah” (CLICK HERE to go back and read it) we discussed where our focus should be, and what happens when we lose that focus. This time, in part 2, we are going to discuss what the “The Heart of Torah” is and what it means to walk in it, or follow it. What Is the “Heart of Torah”?Yeshua spoke about the importance of the heart of Torah with His statements to the Pharisees regarding helping a neighbor’s donkey out of...
"John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Believing means what? Few verses later... "John 3:20-21 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who DOES THE TRUTH comes to the LIGHT, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” Those who hate the light do not come to the light. But...
119 Ministries is not the author of this article. This article is originally found at: http://ad2004.com/prophecytruths/Articles/Prophecy/3days3nights.html Jesus Died On A Wednesday!! by Roy A. Reinhold I was quite blown away recently to hear Hal Lindsey state on his national radio program that he has come to believe that the scriptures show a Wednesday crucifixion. Perhaps you ought to examine the evidence and decide for yourself; be like the Bereans who were complimented in...
119 Ministries is not the author of this article. The original can be found here: http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/bibletru.html For more on this topic, please see our video teaching, "Why the Bible is God's Word". The Proper Cure for the Disease John Warwick Montgomery tells us a parable: A great king (God) had a son (mankind) who had grown up out of contact with his father. While journeying in a distant province the son fell seriously ill. The doctor accompanying him...