Are We Speaking Life or Death?

How are we showing the love of God with those who disagree with our understanding of Torah?
How are we showing the love of God with those who disagree with our understanding of Torah?
Should we be judging and defending others based upon where WE believe they will spend eternity?
Who's responsible for dressing modestly and controlling lustful desires? Is it all on the woman or are men responsible?
By Janae: I don’t consider myself a Christian. I haven’t labeled myself with that term since I found out that it was associated with many things that weren’t quite Biblical. I’ve since become a “Bible Believer”, or rather-one who believes the whole Bible. This doesn’t mean just the New Testament; mind you, but the WHOLE BIBLE-word for word, syllable for syllable, and flood for giant. It’s especially difficult to fill out bubble sheets. The...
119 Ministries is not the author of this article. This article is originally found at: Jesus Died On A Wednesday!! by Roy A. Reinhold I was quite blown away recently to hear Hal Lindsey state on his national radio program that he has come to believe that the scriptures show a Wednesday crucifixion. Perhaps you ought to examine the evidence and decide for yourself; be like the Bereans who were complimented in...
119 Ministries is not the author of this article. The original can be found here: For more on this topic, please see our video teaching, "Why the Bible is God's Word". The Proper Cure for the Disease John Warwick Montgomery tells us a parable: A great king (God) had a son (mankind) who had grown up out of contact with his father. While journeying in a distant province the son fell seriously ill. The doctor accompanying him...